Claude A. Simard, born in Quebec City 1943
Graduated Ontario College of Art (Design) 1962-1966
Apprenticeship British Motor Corporation, England, 1965
Co-founding member of Quebec Graphic Designers Society
and author of Society’s Code of Ethics
Head of Design (Image and Store Design) Simons stores 1966-1973
President Communikart Design Group 1973-1984
Professor Laval University, 1984-2001
Elected Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, 1981 at the age of 38 years
Honorary Member, Garrison Club, Quebec city, 1997
Paintings on permanent exhibition in galleries across Canada.
38 solos since 1974
Galerie de la Quinzaine, Musée du Québec, 1975
Villa Bagatelle, Sillery, QC, Spring 1991
Paris Show (France) at L’Orangerie du Château Bagatelle, 1991
Montreal : Alan Klinkhoff Gallery
Toronto : Roberts Gallery,
Calgary: Masters Gallery
Edmonton and Victoria: West End Gallery
Baie St.Paul: Galerie l’Harmattan
Quebec: Galerie Perreault
Ste.Adele: Galerie Richard Hevey
Over 50 silk screen prints edited since 1975
Card editions by Unicef, Hallmark, L’Imagerie and Cartes Pôle nord
Eight postage stamps for Canada Post
Major mural commissions for Parks Canada, Esso, City of Sainte-Foy
Artist Garden (Jardin Bon Accueil) subject of several major articles and TV shows
Publications :
« Claude A Simard » by André Juneau, Presses UL, 1991, 103p.
« Painting and Planting the Garden » by Claude A Simard, 1999, 111p.
« Inspiration » by Claude A Simard, 2011 128p.

Autobiographical Painting
L’artiste, Saint-Rémy 2011, 36,42